Zavod za euroazijska istraživanja

ZEI Objave

Objavljeno je poglavlje u knjizi: "The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics"

Sertić, M.B., Časni, A.Č., Dumančić, K. (2023). China and the European Union: Inside the Economic Dynamics of a Challenging Relationship. In: Duarte, P.A.B., Leandro, F.J.B.S., Galán, E.M. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

OBJAVLJEN je rad u časopisu "THE Creativity and Innovation Management JOURNAL" o UPORABI DIZAJNerskog RAZMIŠLJANJA U HONGkoškim organizacijama

Dragičević, N., Hernaus, T., & Lee, R. W. B. (2023). Service innovation in Hong Kong organizations: Enablers and challenges to design thinking practices. Creativity and Innovation Management, 1–17.